Trader Data Tables: All COT Futures | Currencies | Bonds | Commodities | Stocks
All COTs: Trader Positioning Stats
Jan-21-2025 | OI | OI-Index | Spec-Net | Spec-Index | Com-Net | COM-Index | Smalls-Net | Smalls-Index |
USD Index | 45,714 | 55 | 14,872 | 38 | -16,520 | 62 | 1,648 | 41 |
EUR | 609,492 | 11 | -62,486 | 5 | 44,295 | 96 | 18,191 | 14 |
GBP | 212,688 | 29 | -8,257 | 32 | 28,749 | 73 | -20,492 | 19 |
JPY | 211,620 | 22 | -14,673 | 68 | 8,829 | 32 | 5,844 | 78 |
CHF | 96,356 | 84 | -41,837 | 16 | 57,758 | 94 | -15,921 | 11 |
CAD | 331,635 | 57 | -150,787 | 20 | 163,078 | 83 | -12,291 | 6 |
AUD | 190,211 | 50 | -71,296 | 26 | 79,799 | 78 | -8,503 | 27 |
NZD | 90,600 | 89 | -51,223 | 4 | 53,841 | 96 | -2,618 | 20 |
MXN | 141,724 | 14 | -1,544 | 28 | 2,423 | 75 | -879 | 18 |
RUB | 20,930 | 4 | 7,543 | 31 | -7,150 | 69 | -393 | 24 |
BRL | 75,156 | 53 | -34,131 | 20 | 35,292 | 82 | -1,161 | 14 |
Bitcoin | 38,556 | 88 | 739 | 67 | -1,007 | 0 | 268 | 30 |
SOFR-3-Months | 10,067,623 | 81 | -672,329 | 26 | 664,938 | 74 | 7,391 | 92 |
FedFunds | 1,874,733 | 58 | -190,795 | 19 | 194,312 | 77 | -3,517 | 79 |
2-Year | 4,155,652 | 83 | -1,174,377 | 20 | 1,034,903 | 77 | 139,474 | 80 |
Long T-Bond | 1,923,062 | 86 | 24,456 | 92 | -90,699 | 0 | 66,243 | 64 |
10-Year | 4,750,425 | 66 | -580,245 | 53 | 565,040 | 48 | 15,205 | 68 |
5-Year | 6,169,526 | 77 | -1,796,191 | 10 | 1,671,310 | 88 | 124,881 | 77 |
S&P500-Mini | 2,036,469 | 8 | -75,715 | 53 | -60,433 | 27 | 136,148 | 91 |
Nikkei 225 | 10,889 | 5 | -2,758 | 57 | 2,709 | 45 | 49 | 44 |
Nasdaq-Mini | 254,361 | 33 | 18,489 | 68 | -36,654 | 14 | 18,165 | 89 |
DowJones-Mini | 81,691 | 36 | 2,327 | 64 | -5,564 | 30 | 3,237 | 73 |
VIX | 364,909 | 39 | -28,060 | 71 | 25,429 | 30 | 2,631 | 89 |
Nikkei 225 Yen | 36,531 | 8 | 6,771 | 57 | 11,679 | 43 | -18,450 | 48 |
WTI Crude | 1,867,000 | 61 | 298,847 | 70 | -316,596 | 39 | 17,749 | 33 |
Gold | 571,387 | 71 | 300,784 | 94 | -326,608 | 5 | 25,824 | 64 |
Silver | 159,899 | 63 | 47,480 | 76 | -62,977 | 25 | 15,497 | 46 |
Copper | 217,298 | 42 | 16,663 | 49 | -21,729 | 52 | 5,066 | 48 |
Palladium | 19,039 | 53 | -8,036 | 43 | 7,326 | 56 | 710 | 68 |
Platinum | 75,574 | 51 | 14,608 | 51 | -20,610 | 47 | 6,002 | 57 |
Natural Gas | 1,601,438 | 79 | -68,461 | 86 | 50,766 | 13 | 17,695 | 36 |
Brent | 177,119 | 65 | -15,681 | 82 | 15,402 | 23 | 279 | 24 |
Heating Oil | 364,415 | 65 | 15,414 | 64 | -24,396 | 43 | 8,982 | 45 |
Soybeans | 853,697 | 75 | 18,549 | 51 | 14,875 | 52 | -33,424 | 25 |
Corn | 1,942,644 | 100 | 392,923 | 84 | -314,101 | 21 | -78,822 | 3 |
Coffee | 188,450 | 13 | 74,291 | 98 | -78,526 | 0 | 4,235 | 82 |
Sugar | 992,164 | 91 | -31,467 | 0 | 34,888 | 100 | -3,421 | 15 |
Wheat | 472,269 | 98 | -73,009 | 19 | 68,865 | 76 | 4,144 | 80 |
OI = Open Interest
OI-3yrRange = Current level as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Com Net = Net of Commercial Trader Positions
Com-3yr-Percent = Current level of Commercials as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Spec Net = Net of Speculator Trader Positions
Spec-3yr-Percent = Current level of Speculators as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Small Net = Net of Small Traders (Non-Reportables) Positions
Small-3yr-Percent = Current level of Small Traders (Non-Reportables) as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Trader Data Tables: All COT Futures | Currencies | Bonds | Commodities | Stocks
Currencies: Trader Positioning Stats
Jan-21-2025 | OI | OI-Index | Spec-Net | Spec-Index | Com-Net | COM-Index | Smalls-Net | Smalls-Index |
USD Index | 45,714 | 55 | 14,872 | 38 | -16,520 | 62 | 1,648 | 41 |
EUR | 609,492 | 11 | -62,486 | 5 | 44,295 | 96 | 18,191 | 14 |
GBP | 212,688 | 29 | -8,257 | 32 | 28,749 | 73 | -20,492 | 19 |
JPY | 211,620 | 22 | -14,673 | 68 | 8,829 | 32 | 5,844 | 78 |
CHF | 96,356 | 84 | -41,837 | 16 | 57,758 | 94 | -15,921 | 11 |
CAD | 331,635 | 57 | -150,787 | 20 | 163,078 | 83 | -12,291 | 6 |
AUD | 190,211 | 50 | -71,296 | 26 | 79,799 | 78 | -8,503 | 27 |
NZD | 90,600 | 89 | -51,223 | 4 | 53,841 | 96 | -2,618 | 20 |
MXN | 141,724 | 14 | -1,544 | 28 | 2,423 | 75 | -879 | 18 |
RUB | 20,930 | 4 | 7,543 | 31 | -7,150 | 69 | -393 | 24 |
BRL | 75,156 | 53 | -34,131 | 20 | 35,292 | 82 | -1,161 | 14 |
Bitcoin | 38,556 | 88 | 739 | 67 | -1,007 | 0 | 268 | 30 |
OI = Open Interest
OI-3yrRange = Current level as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Com Net = Net of Commercial Trader Positions
Com-3yr-Percent = Current level of Commercials as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Spec Net = Net of Speculator Trader Positions
Spec-3yr-Percent = Current level of Speculators as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Small Net = Net of Small Traders (Non-Reportables) Positions
Small-3yr-Percent = Current level of Small Traders (Non-Reportables) as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Trader Data Tables: All COT Futures | Currencies | Bonds | Commodities | Stocks
Bonds: Trader Positioning Stats
Jan-21-2025 | OI | OI-Index | Spec-Net | Spec-Index | Com-Net | COM-Index | Smalls-Net | Smalls-Index |
SOFR-3-Months | 10,067,623 | 81 | -672,329 | 26 | 664,938 | 74 | 7,391 | 92 |
FedFunds | 1,874,733 | 58 | -190,795 | 19 | 194,312 | 77 | -3,517 | 79 |
2-Year | 4,155,652 | 83 | -1,174,377 | 20 | 1,034,903 | 77 | 139,474 | 80 |
Long T-Bond | 1,923,062 | 86 | 24,456 | 92 | -90,699 | 0 | 66,243 | 64 |
10-Year | 4,750,425 | 66 | -580,245 | 53 | 565,040 | 48 | 15,205 | 68 |
5-Year | 6,169,526 | 77 | -1,796,191 | 10 | 1,671,310 | 88 | 124,881 | 77 |
OI = Open Interest
OI-3yrRange = Current level as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Com Net = Net of Commercial Trader Positions
Com-3yr-Percent = Current level of Commercials as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Spec Net = Net of Speculator Trader Positions
Spec-3yr-Percent = Current level of Speculators as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Small Net = Net of Small Traders (Non-Reportables) Positions
Small-3yr-Percent = Current level of Small Traders (Non-Reportables) as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Trader Data Tables: All COT Futures | Currencies | Bonds | Commodities | Stocks
Commodities: Trader Positioning Stats
Jan-21-2025 | OI | OI-Index | Spec-Net | Spec-Index | Com-Net | COM-Index | Smalls-Net | Smalls-Index |
WTI Crude | 1,867,000 | 61 | 298,847 | 70 | -316,596 | 39 | 17,749 | 33 |
Gold | 571,387 | 71 | 300,784 | 94 | -326,608 | 5 | 25,824 | 64 |
Silver | 159,899 | 63 | 47,480 | 76 | -62,977 | 25 | 15,497 | 46 |
Copper | 217,298 | 42 | 16,663 | 49 | -21,729 | 52 | 5,066 | 48 |
Palladium | 19,039 | 53 | -8,036 | 43 | 7,326 | 56 | 710 | 68 |
Platinum | 75,574 | 51 | 14,608 | 51 | -20,610 | 47 | 6,002 | 57 |
Natural Gas | 1,601,438 | 79 | -68,461 | 86 | 50,766 | 13 | 17,695 | 36 |
Brent | 177,119 | 65 | -15,681 | 82 | 15,402 | 23 | 279 | 24 |
Heating Oil | 364,415 | 65 | 15,414 | 64 | -24,396 | 43 | 8,982 | 45 |
Soybeans | 853,697 | 75 | 18,549 | 51 | 14,875 | 52 | -33,424 | 25 |
Corn | 1,942,644 | 100 | 392,923 | 84 | -314,101 | 21 | -78,822 | 3 |
Coffee | 188,450 | 13 | 74,291 | 98 | -78,526 | 0 | 4,235 | 82 |
Sugar | 992,164 | 91 | -31,467 | 0 | 34,888 | 100 | -3,421 | 15 |
Wheat | 472,269 | 98 | -73,009 | 19 | 68,865 | 76 | 4,144 | 80 |
OI = Open Interest
OI-3yrRange = Current level as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Com Net = Net of Commercial Trader Positions
Com-3yr-Percent = Current level of Commercials as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Spec Net = Net of Speculator Trader Positions
Spec-3yr-Percent = Current level of Speculators as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Small Net = Net of Small Traders (Non-Reportables) Positions
Small-3yr-Percent = Current level of Small Traders (Non-Reportables) as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Trader Data Tables: All COT Futures | Currencies | Bonds | Commodities | Stocks
Stocks: Trader Positioning Stats
Jan-21-2025 | OI | OI-Index | Spec-Net | Spec-Index | Com-Net | COM-Index | Smalls-Net | Smalls-Index |
S&P500-Mini | 2,036,469 | 8 | -75,715 | 53 | -60,433 | 27 | 136,148 | 91 |
Nikkei 225 | 10,889 | 5 | -2,758 | 57 | 2,709 | 45 | 49 | 44 |
Nasdaq-Mini | 254,361 | 33 | 18,489 | 68 | -36,654 | 14 | 18,165 | 89 |
DowJones-Mini | 81,691 | 36 | 2,327 | 64 | -5,564 | 30 | 3,237 | 73 |
VIX | 364,909 | 39 | -28,060 | 71 | 25,429 | 30 | 2,631 | 89 |
Nikkei 225 Yen | 36,531 | 8 | 6,771 | 57 | 11,679 | 43 | -18,450 | 48 |
OI = Open Interest
OI-3yrRange = Current level as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Com Net = Net of Commercial Trader Positions
Com-3yr-Percent = Current level of Commercials as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Spec Net = Net of Speculator Trader Positions
Spec-3yr-Percent = Current level of Speculators as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Small Net = Net of Small Traders (Non-Reportables) Positions
Small-3yr-Percent = Current level of Small Traders (Non-Reportables) as a percent; compared to last 3 years data