By Adam Hewison – It’s more important to the market than Ireland, Greece, Portugal, and Spain combined.
The trials and tribulations of these four countries (that have run up huge deficits) have been well known for quite some time. What is more important in my opinion is not the size of the debt, which is staggering, but rather what is going on with market perception.
Market perception trumps everything else out there. Market perception trumps market fundamentals every time. Market perception is the one card that the government cannot control. It is the card that can potentially give the individual trader an edge.
So what is market perception? Well, have you ever noticed that when some big world event happens, or a new “hot” IPO hits the markets, traders expect that market to go in the talked about direction and typically it does. What doesn’t get talked about is how the market then corrects itself and the technicals really come into play.
The only real way to avoid the trap is through the use of technical analysis, or in the case of MarketClub, our “Trade Triangle” technology. This technology doesn’t read the newspapers, doesn’t watch cable news, and is independent of everything else except the market itself.
What is the most important thing to most investors? I would have to say it is the bottom line. If you’re not making money in the market, then you’re doing something wrong. Maybe you’re paying more attention to the talking heads on cable, or to the nightly news, but you’re not really paying attention to market perception.
I was lucky enough when I began my career to learn about technical analysis very early on. I said to myself, when it can be this easy there must be something more that I’m missing. It was then that I made the mistake of looking at all these other so-called tools like fundamentals, earnings reports, etc. You name it, I looked at it.
One day I finally got smart and realized that I had already found the “true gold” in trading by using technical analysis.
I was just watching some talking head author on TV and they were saying that technical analysis is so 1920’s and old technology. Of course, the person who was saying that was looking to sell copies of their book.
I said to myself, boy oh boy, not to look at technical analysis, which is like the DNA of the market, is a huge mistake. I can see people going out and buying this author’s book and being led down the wrong path. I will not name the book as readers of this gobbledygook are going to spin their wheels only to find that it really doesn’t work.
Let’s keep things simple. That is the secret to successful trading.
At MarketClub we tend to look at the market in a very simple fashion. Let me explain; the market can only do three things: it can go up, it can go down, and it can go sideways. In life there are very few things that you can simplify as easily as that.
So using MarketClub’s “Trade Triangles” you are able to determine when the market is going up, in which case you want to be long, and when the market’s going down, in which case we want to be short or out of the market.
Now of course we do filter the “Trade Triangles” of MarketClub to help avoid trading losses. With any kind of trading or investing program the risk of loss is always there. The key to success is how you manage those losses. Are the losses small enough as to not bite into your capital in a major way?
Again, when you’re looking at market fundamentals or other ways to trade, they really don’t tell you when to get out. Obvious examples of this would be the Enron scandal or the recent GM debacle that took unwary investors to the poor house.
But it’s hard to fake a market saying everything is great, when the market is heading south. So what is an investor to think? I believe you have to trust your eyes and the direction of the market. After all, that’s what makes up your bottom line.
In today’s video we’re going to be looking at one or two markets and how the “Trade Triangles” are positioned right now. We are not predicting what’s going to happen in the future. We are simply going to look at the purity of the “Trade Triangles” and how they can help investors with the most important market element of all, market perception.
Enjoy the video.
All the best,
Adam Hewison
President of
Co-founder of MarketClub