The US Government’s Investment In GM

By James McKee

Due to higher than anticipated investor demand the price of GM stock has swelled to nearly $33.00 a share. Losses incurred by the US government and more importantly by taxpayers will be less than was originally assumed in light of these new share values. The US government’s seemingly poor investment and bailout strategy is actually turning out to be much more effective than was once thought, and inevitably this boost will translate into a higher valued USD on the Forex currency exchange. Traders should definitely keep a look out before the USD begins its rise against currencies such as the NZD that has recently made gains against it.

While it is true that it always takes longer to fix a problem created by fiscal policy many were judging the United States recent measures with reasonable outlooks. No one could have predicted the outcome of US government efforts to stabilize their economy. Indeed it may still end up being even more of a quagmire than it already is if things continue to degrade as they have been for a while now. Truly the only ray of hope throughout this whole process has been supposed uniform cooperation at the G20 summit in Seoul, although I truly would not trust this until I saw it in action in the coming months.

GM’s turnaround is a sure sign to a trader that the USD has reached a new place in the Forex currency exchange and should not be taken lightly. While it certainly is not time to restore the USD as the world’s reserve currency it just might be time to put the breaks on assuming the worst for a little while yet. To be perfectly clear my advice is to not make an assumption one way or the other, if anything (if you are able) I would hedge my investments.

About the Author

Author is a Forex trader and financial analyst residing in Denver, Colorado. To stay up to date on all the latest developments in the financial world and beyond be sure to check out the forex exchange rates regularly.