Learning to Make Adjustments and Your Intraday Day Trading

By David Adams – It would be very convenient to have a day trading system that worked under all conceivable conditions without fail. Whether the market was consolidating, trending upward, or trending downward the ideal system would churn out profits regardless of prevailing market conditions. Unfortunately, no system adequately deals with varying market conditions that can arise throughout the course of their daily trading session. Obviously, this causes problems for novice and experienced traders alike.

One of the very real problems that day traders experience is adjusting their trading style to the changing personality of the futures market. The very best metaphor that I can conjure is one of fishing. To say the least, fishing is a fickle pastime to engage in. There are days that fish attack a certain type of lure, yet the very next day the exact lure will prove to be of little value. On some days, you’re choice of lures may change throughout the course of the day. The point is a simple one, what works at one point of the day may not work later in the day, or even the next day. In fishing, you have to be flexible and adjust your fishing style and bait to meet the ever changing water and weather conditions.

It’s really not so different when trading. On certain days one set up will consistently result in profits. On the other hand, the very next day the same set up will produce nothing but losses. I don’t have a rational explanation for this phenomenon other than explaining the market is constantly changing and evolving. Your ability to determine which trades will be a profitable on a certain day is a core skill.

For example, on most days the market tends to honor support and resistance levels. Time and time again the price action will advance and decline to previous support and resistance levels and change direction. Of course, this makes for some very accurate trading for those who are familiar with trading support and resistance. On the very next day however, the market may pay no attention to support and resistance and blast through your support and resistance level as though they did not exist.

What does this mean for you as a trader?

It is essential that you have a number of trades in your trading arsenal and approach the next trading opportunity with a different set up. In my experience, after a few test trades I can usually find the trading setup that is effective for that day. On the other hand, many traders labor away with their preset trading style and endure substantial losses. It is imperative that you ascertain the mood and tenor of the market so that you’re able to match appropriate trades to that day’s particular trading session.

This takes some experience and experimentation to perfect. However it is imperative to adjust your trading style within the overall framework of your trading methodology to meet with changing market conditions. Staying with a trade that worke yesterday but is not working today will results in certain losses. In my own trading, I use a number of setups based upon price action, indicators, and oscillators. I have yet to find a day that one of these indicators would not set up a profitable trade. The secret is to find which setups and/or configurations of setups that will be most effective.

I do say this was one caveat; it is very difficult to trade consolidating markets and I have yet to find a truly effective methodology to profit in markets that are trading in a very narrow range. It is my recommendation that you avoid trading markets that are range bound as they are generally difficult and unprofitable to trade.

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