VIDEO: Monsanto wins Biotech Patent over Dupont

Monsanto is at it again. The world’s single most infamous genetically modified agriculturist, won a tremendous court hearing yesterday regarding it’s genetically modified soybeans. Now, if you recall, Monsanto gained it’s infamy when courts found that Monsanto actually owned the genes that were altered in plants to make them resistant to specific herbicides and pesticides. Because nature will prevail, these genes were naturally spread around the world by animals, humans, air currents–and then Monsanto and their lawyers came in and either repossessed or destroyed all the crops they could find that weren’t grown by them, but possessed these expensive genes. Now Dupont has purchased some seed technology for the Roundup Ready soybean, (90% of the US Market). The technology is a gene that provides the soybean protection from Roundup pesticide, generically known as glyphosphate. While Monsanto owns Roundup protection, Dupont wanted to create a new glyphosphate resistant gene that was a hybrid of Roundup and something new. Dupont is to pay out $1 Million dollars in damages to the biotech giant, a staggering patent loss. They, of course, are already planning an appeal. For more news and updates, Visit us online at or comment on what you’ve seen on Twitter @FNNonline.
