Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and Samsung battling in U.S. court today over a big patent-infringement lawsuit.The maker of the iPhone and iPad is accusing Samsung of creating illegal knockoffs of its popular products. Apple is looking for $2.5 billion in damages in the lawsuit. Samsung claims Apple’s complaints are not valid, saying the patent infringements the company is being accused of, such as the rounded-back of Apple’s iPhone and iPad, have been industry standards for years.And this is just one of the many lawsuits in the mobile phone and tablet industry. There is even another trial involving the same two companies in the United Kingdom and Germany over similar issues.No matter what the outcome will be of this trial and the many sure to come, these lawsuits show that all of these tech companies are vying for supremacy in the market that currently at $219 billion and growing. For more on this story and analysis of the business world follow us on twitter @FNNOnline or check out our website at