NASDAQ Pays $40 Million for Facebook IPO Glitch

Remember on the morning of the Facebook listing, shares did not begin trading until about half an hour after the scheduled time? There was a glitch and NASDAQ is coming forward to compensate the parties involved. $40m will be paid to the trading firms who incurred losses because of the technical mistakes caused orders not going through. Knight Capital, UBS, Citigroup and Citadel are among the group and they will receive up to $13.7m in cash. The rest will be paid in the form for reduced trading fees in the next six months because SEC prevents exchanges like the NASDAQ to pay out more $3m for trading losses in any given month. NASDAQ made $10.7m on the opening day of Facebook alone. Investors wanted to buy the stock, so NASDAQ passively held short positions and ended up making more money. NASDAQ asked trading firms to request the compensation by June 20 and will need the SEC to sign off.
