Credit Card Breach Has 1.5 Million Card Numbers At Risk

New information has surfaced in the MasterCard and Visa security breach. Global Payments, a company that processes card transactions, is reporting up to 1.5 million credit and debit card numbers could be compromised. The company added that the names, addresses and Social Security numbers of cardholders were not affected.This means that identity theft will not become an issue but fake cards could be made with the card numbers, leading to potential fraudulent charges for thousands of people. Global Payments did not specify which credit card companies were affected but Discover and American Express could have also had a breach in addition to MasterCard and Visa.If you are wondering what you can do the best advice is to wait and see. If your card issuer believes your account has been compromised they will contact you. And if there are fraudulent charges that come up on your account because of the breach, you will not be responsible for them.
