Is Car the American Thing? Car Sales Mixed, Gasoline Zooms

US automakers released March sales data and the one who topped the chart is Chrysler. Gasoline price rose 20% already since the end of 2011 and numbers just released show the gasoline inventory fell 1.46M barrels. This trend pushed the delivery of subcompact cars to a monthly record. Chrysler’s US sales grow 34% to 163,381 vehicles in the month of March.General Motors and Ford, on the other hand, both fell a bit short. Analysts benchmarked GM’s monthly growth at 19% and the number came out to be only 11.8%. Ford had a fantastic run with the Focus compact model, which rose 65% to more than 28,000 units, but the overall growth was only 5%, vs. the estimated 5.5%.March is usually the peak season for auto sales, and the results we are seeing are not encouraging. Japanese automakers are likely to gain market shares this year because the earthquake last year gave a low base. Their March results are still pending.And let’s not forget about the Germans. Volkswagen already released its March performance, a great 35% uptick, so there will be more work to do for the American automakers. Share what you think we can do to stay competitive. Please send in your comments to our show or tweet me @juliasun_onair. I’m Julia Sun reporting for the Financial News Network in New York City.
