Here's today's Central Bank News link list, click through if you missed the previous link list. Remember, if you want to submit links for inclusion in the daily central banking news link list, just email them through to us or post them in the comments section below.
- US Federal Reserve says most major banks pass the doomsday stress test (Federal Reserve)
- Meanwhile the FOMC gives a vanilla statement, with no signs of QE (Central Bank News)
- In Europe, the venerable Bundesbank announced a plunge in profits on provisions (New York Times)
- Bank of England chief MK alludes to debt monetization? (The Economist)
- Meanwhile Japan rejects further QE, opting for a bump-up in the 'GSFF' (Central Bank News)
- China's Central Bank says banks should lend to first-home buyers (People's Daily)
- Wen, at the annual parliament session, kept a firmly hawkish tone on the housing market (Market Watch)
- And lending quotas look to be being eased at some of the big Chinese banks (Bloomberg)
- But when it comes to the PBOC, sometimes you need to literally fight to get answers! (Wall Street Journal)