Risk aversion back in vogue

By TraderVox.com

Tradervox (Dublin) –  The single currency is losing against the US dollar on Tuesday and has lost the 1.3200 handle and is currently trading at 1.3135, down about 0.63% for the day. Greece is back on the cards as finance ministers of Euro zone will meet on Friday. The support may be seen at 1.3110 and 1.3070. The resistance may be seen at 1.3210 and above at 1.3260. The GDP contracted by 0.3% as per the expectation this quarter which is also adding the pressure on the pair.

The Sterling Pound has also been punished strongly like Euro and has lost the 1.5800 level. The pair is down about 0.60% at 1.5770. The support may be found at the current levels and below at 1.5700 levels. The resistance may be seen at 1.5800 and above at 1.5850 levels. The Halifax House Prices fell by 0.5% against the expected increase 0.3% month over month. The Greek problem has resurfaced and can hurt the pound.
The USD/JPY pair lost heavily contrary to the general trend and printed a fresh low of 80.77. The pair lost almost 50 pips in an hour. The pair has recovered from the lows and has come above the 81 levels. It is still down 0.60% for the day. The support may be seen at 80.60/70 and below at 80.35. The resistance may be seen at 81.20 and above at 81.75.
The USD/CHF pair started the day near the 0.9100 levels and has is currently trading around 0.9170, up more than half a percent. The support may be seen at 0.9160 and below at 0.9110. The resistance may be seen at 0.9180 and above at 0.9250 levels.
The Australian dollar is losing against the US dollar and has printed a low below 1.0600 levels at 1.0571. The pair is currently trading at 1.0595. The support may be seen at 1.0570 and the resistance will be seen at 1.0650. US dolalr index is comfortably trading above 79 levels at 79.65.

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