The Use of Forums in Trading on Forex Charts

By James Smith

When you are first starting out in the world of Forex trading there can be the desire to learn from others and receive some reassurance, in some instances this will mean seeking out help in online forums. Taking advantage of the advice people give you must always be done with a grain (sometimes a boulder) of salt, and this cannot be stressed enough. Being able to adequately understand and utilize the advice of others can be very difficult depending on their skill level, so be aware of this and try not to do it prior to having adequate experience. Asking certain questions might appear foolish to some users who could be rude towards you, but do not worry about them. Everyone has to learn something for the first time, and if someone gives you a hard time for it that is their problem.

Taking the time to at least know how to phrase a question is important though, it is no good to ask a question that cannot be answered and you need to realize this before posting in a forum. Forum etiquette is also something that needs to be born in mind when approaching others for help, being rude will not get you anywhere. Keeping accurate records of your forex charts with .jpeg files will make it much easier to communicate your thoughts to others. Being able to coherently seek out help about what type of system or indicators you are using is also something you need to be able to communicate, so try and keep those things in mind wherever possible.

This is a type of assistance that can seem daunting to many who do not like asking for help, but it can be among the most rewarding help available. Do not make the mistake of passing up some very effective assistance that will come to you completely free. Be sure to communicate with any forum moderators whenever you are prompted, and when questioned take the time to provide answers in a timely manner. There will be numerous opportunities in which other traders will share their winning strategies with you, and will answer your questions about them for free. This is something that many people seem to take for granted, but you can take advantage of the opportunity if you choose to. With the huge number of forums available it should be no trouble at all for you to find one that works for you.

About the Author

The author is a Forex trader and financial analyst residing in Denver, Colorado. To stay up to date on all the latest developments in the financial world and beyond be sure to stay up to date with the latest forex quotes

The Prettiest Horse in the Glue Factory


Today – and tomorrow – your editor is writing from the Gold Symposium in Sydney.

There are six keynote speakers, including Eric Sprott, chairman of Sprott Asset Management. And our old pal, Australian Wealth Gameplan editor, Dan Denning.

Plus there are 15 company presentations… Ranging from unlisted Tamar Gold Ltd and $2 million market capitalised Invictus Gold Ltd [ASX: IVG] through to $134 million Gold Road Resources [ASX: GOR] and $657 million Silver Lake Resources [ASX: SLR].

Tomorrow’s line up is similar. Four keynote speakers, including Alf Field from Gold Chartist, Ben Davies from Hinde Capital, and an end-of-day panel chaired by your editor. On top of that there are another 20 company presentations.

It’s a lot to get through. But if the standard is even half as good as it has been so far then we’re in for a bumper couple of days.

But what we want to know is: how high will the gold price go?

Gold Set for 2,677% Gain

Opening speaker David Evans, founder and managing director of GoldNerds Ptd Ltd, was the first to put his neck on the line. His forecast for the gold price?

$50,000 an ounce… by 2028.

But what if you can’t, or don’t want to wait that long? How does $3,800 by 2015 take your fancy?

Now, before you get too excited about a 2,677% gain over 17 years… or a 111% gain in four years, just remember real gains will only make up part of the price rise. The rest is inflation.

For instance, David Evans says $50,000 in 2028 will be the same as $8,400 in today’s money.

Even so, that’s not a bad return in a world when all other asset values are likely to fall in real terms.

Because looking ahead, it will be just as important to protect your money as make money.

But as we say, it’s always good when a speaker puts their balls on the line with a price prediction. But we could tell the crowd was looking forward to the next speaker – the first of the international big guns spoke – Eric Sprott from Sprott Asset Management…

Where is the Gold Coming From?

Mr. Sprott didn’t have his own specific gold price target. Rather than talking in dollar terms his focus is more on the gold/silver ratio. But more on that in a moment.

Because the important thing to remember is predicting the gold price isn’t the whole story. Just as important is the supply of gold. And it prompted Mr. Sprott to ask himself two questions:

“Who is not buying gold today who was buying it in 2000?”


“Where is the gold coming from?”

In other words, is there a whole bunch of investors or organisations selling the stuff… happy they’ve locked in a big gain? No. In fact there are more buyers today – many more – than there were in 2000.

Central banks are now net buyers of gold. In 2000 they were net sellers.

Exchange traded funds (ETFs) barely existed in 2000. Today, the SPDR Gold ETF is one of the biggest holders of gold – fifth largest behind the U.S., Germany, Italy and France… and ahead of China and Switzerland.

So where is the supply coming from to meet the demand? After all, the increase in gold holdings can’t come completely from new production. As Mr. Sprott said:

“Mining production has hardly gone up for 10 years… we’re only adding 1.4% to the pool of gold each year.”

Mr. Sprott says he has the answer to his own question:

“I would argue very strongly that the central banks are surreptitiously leasing their gold. Gold lease implies they lease it to the bullion dealer, the dealer sells it in the physical market. [And] it gets consumed in the sense savers like you buy it.”

Mr. Sprott is effectively arguing that some, many, or all central banks don’t hold the physical gold they claim to hold (this is a view held by another gold guru, James Turk). And that the central banks have leased out their gold to bullion dealers or speculators.

In return, the central bank earns a small fee. Trouble is, if those organisations that leased the gold then sell it on to someone else, suddenly the central banks don’t hold the physical gold… and nor do the firms they leased it to. All the central bank holds is a claim to the gold.

It’s no wonder there’s a concerted effort by the banking establishment to talk down gold… to deny it’s money.

Gold is Money

Remember U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Dr. Ben S. Bernanke’s comment that gold isn’t money? That the only reason central banks hold gold as reserves is because it’s “tradition”.

Can you imagine what would happen to the gold price if Dr. Bernanke said, “Sure, gold is money.” The price would take off and the scramble would be on for central banks to reclaim the gold they’d leased out.

Perhaps they’re already doing that – hence why central banks are net buyers of gold.

Now, while Mr. Sprott didn’t offer his own gold price prediction, he did quote someone whose view he respects – James Sinclair.

At the recent Gold Anti-Trust Association (GATA) conference in London, attendees asked Mr. Sinclair for his next price target. The reason they asked him was because in 2000 Mr. Sinclair had pinpointed $1,650 as the target.

But now the price has breached that level, investors wanted to know where it’s going next. His reply cheered attendees of the GATA conference:

“Well, if it goes through $1764 my new target will be… $12,000.”

This morning the gold price is trading at USD$1,794.

Despite the efforts of governments and central bankers, the gold price climbs higher. If you want to hold real money, it’s not about choosing between U.S. dollars… or Aussie dollars… or Japanese yen and Swiss francs.

Forget all that. The only choice is gold. Mr. Sprott said:

“I believe the market has already determined gold is the reserve currency. The markets decided that. Not the central banks. Not the Treasuries. The markets made up their mind that gold is the reserve currency. It’s up 600% versus almost every currency…

“The stuff we have to listen to every day: the dollar versus the euro, the yen versus the dollar… they’re all crap. It’s like, who’s the prettiest horse in the glue factory!”

Look, we know. We’re at a gold conference. Asking attendees and speakers to be bearish on gold is like expecting a central bank convention to admit they’ve screwed things up.

The key question you have to ask yourself is this: who do you believe?

Central bankers who have a vested interested in keeping the current fiat money system going (expanding credit, stoking inflation and bailing out banks), or the vested interests in the gold camp who believe the current money system is broken and can’t be fixed (and who just want governments and central bankers to stop stealing individuals’ wealth).

We’ve seen and heard both sides of the argument. And we know which camp we’re backing.

As Mr. Sprott said about current central bank policies:

“I bet we will look back ten years from now and say that [Zero Interest Rate Policy – ZIRP] was the most ridiculous policy. It does not exist in any text book. It is the creation of this decade.”

More from the Gold Symposium tomorrow.


The Prettiest Horse in the Glue Factory

The 6-Word Key To Smarter Investing


The stock market is a sideshow.

Let’s get this straight. Europe is in recession and at risk of a destabilising break-up of the currency union. The US is very close to recession. And the air is coming out of China’s property bubble.

In response, the stock market has rallied.

Despite all evidence to the contrary, the market still has faith in the authorities to do something.

It thinks Ben Bernanke is ready to push the button on QEIII (even though QEII produced only very short-term gains).

It thinks the European Central Bank (ECB) will soon print money in unlimited quantities to bail out Italy (even though it is blocked by treaty – and Germany – from doing so).

It reminds me of a passage from Gary Shilling’s book, The Age of Deleveraging from the chapter ‘Results of Denial’. The current environment reminds me very much of the situation of just a few years ago.

It’s incredible that after the subprime residential mortgage market started to collapse in earnest in February 2007, even as the woes spread rapidly to the rest of housing, and even as the crisis spread to Wall Street with the Bear Stearns bust in June of that year and threatened to sink the domestic and global economies, most forecasters remained in denial. In August 2008, eight months after the recession had actually started, the Wall Street Journal’s poll of 53 economists, including me (Gary Shilling – Ed) found that only about half believed the US economy was in recession and that most expected real GDP to rise from the fourth quarter of 2008 (it actually dropped 1.9 per cent).

Meanwhile, investors, policy makers, regulators and Wall Street leaders did not appear to understand the depth and breadth of the financial crisis. Every step of the way, they felt sure that the latest problem would be the last problem, that the latest bailout would solve all difficulties and no more would be required. They weren’t really aware that it was a financial crisis driven by deleveraging. And the stock market, although a good measure of sentiment, was only a sideshow.

Sound familiar?

An enduring characteristic of human behaviour is to repeat past errors. Most people still don’t realise that what they’re seeing is a breakdown of the monetary system that has sustained them (or their industries) for decades.

They think a few bailouts will rectify the problems. But it’s the bailouts that are making things worse!

As Gary Shilling wrote, the stock market is simply a measure of sentiment. In the scheme of things, it is only a sideshow.

Keep this in mind if you’re tempted to move back into the market in a meaningful way.

Greg Canavan
Money Morning Australia

Editor’s note: Greg Canavan is the foremost authority for retail investors on value investing in Australia. He’s the former head of Australasian Research for a major asset-management group and a regular guest on CNBC, Sky Business’s ‘The Perrett Report’ and Lateline Business. Greg shares his insight, ideas and investment recommendations with readers of his Sound Money. Sound Investments newsletter…

The 6-Word Key To Smarter Investing

Securing Forex Profits with Partial Close EA

By Warren Seah

Forex traders make use of partial close ea in the scaling out of their trade positions based on profit levels that had been fixed prior to the start of trading. This is how the ea work: Once the market trading price gets to a stipulated take profit level, the trader would collect his initial profit by exiting a proportion of the total contract. The trader can then proceed to move the stop loss to the entry price in order to ensure that no matter what happens to the market trend, a loss will not be incurred.

Partial close ea is very easy to manage since they are only concerned with taking out part of a contract while letting the remaining positions to ride the trend till it dies out. The ea ensures that the worst case scenario that could result is a no win and no loss situation whenever there is trend exhaustion and the stop loss level is hit at the breakeven level. This is termed Pip protection Mechanism.

Partial close ea is particularly good for day trading or short term trading. It is very easy to take up several contracts in such a setting; part of which could be taken off the market once profit has been realized as determined by the short term market behavior and market structure.

Longer term market behavior also makes for a balance. A trader can trade on the short term and also benefit from longer term trend riding as well as its accompanying profit. But there is also the danger of a trader exposing himself to too much risk by trading several contracts. Caution is advised in terms of practicing money management by not risking more than 2% per trade and not more than 5% per day or month. The efforts that professional traders put in the management of their equity is what keeps them going on in forex trading; without the management of equity, most of them would have retired from the market long time ago.

More advanced exit strategies will have partial close method incorporates with trailing stop strategies for the management of trades, and it also spells out the price level at which portions of a contract can be exited. In short, partial-close strategies serve as guide to a trader on how best to approach his trade for him to be successful.

It would be so much easier to have more winning trades, and to make more profit when the partial close method is used in exiting a trade. Partial close ea is also capable of helping traders leverage from the behavior of the market in the short term and the longer term. Prior specification of trade exit strategies helps to eliminate emotional indecisions that could ruin a trade. The proper use of the ea helps a trader in his quest to be successful in trading.

About the Author

Warren Seah

What if you just couldn’t trade forex effectively with a day time job?

I know how hard it can be to trade forex manually, but if you want to really be successfully trading your own unique manual system, you need to learn a single method that works amazingly well.

This method is simple to pick up and it works like an automated trade exit tool. Yes, you can now select the forex exit strategy and the tool will manage your trade and exit with profit. You can read how to do it in my free report here: Trailing Stop EA

Don’t give up hope, it’s NOT impossible. Partial Close EA will expand your trading capabilities to greater trading success learn more by clicking the link.

USDCHF remains in uptrend from 0.8569

USDCHF remains in uptrend from 0.8569, the fall from 0.9148 is likely consolidation of uptrend. Support is now at the lower border of the price channel on 4-hour chart, as long as the channel support holds, uptrend could be expected to resume, and another rise towards 0.9314 previous high is still possible. However, a clear break below the channel will indicate that the rise from 0.8569 had completed at 0.9148 already, then the following downward move could bring price to 0.8000 zone.


The Trading Secrets

By Taro Hideyoshi

Have you ever heard that “the best place to hide a secret is where everyone can see it”? Why? It is because if everyone can see secret, then they do not think it is a secret. This is also true of the trading secrets.

You will see, in the following, that you all know what they are the trading secrets well, but perhaps you do not realize their importance.

The trading secrets

Secret 1 : Cut your losses

The first thing that the new traders must learn in the trading business is to cut losses. It seems easy but believe me, it is harder to accomplish than it seems. Usually, new traders tend to hold the losing trades and exit from the winning trade.

Secret 2 : Let your profit run

In addition to cut your losses when it is time, you also have to let your profits run. If you make plenty of good trades but you exit from the trade too early, you are cutting your profits. To make profits in trading, besides trying to make winning trade as much as you can, you also have to maximize your profits for each winning trades.

Secret 3 : Trade selectivity

You have to learn how to pick only the trade that offers a great opportunity. This takes time since you have got to find the right trading approach for yourself and you have got to narrow your focus on the market.

To do this, you have to decide your methodology and concentrate on what you need. Then you have to become an expert in its application.

Secret 4 : Trade with the trend

Trade with the trend relates to the decision of how to initiate trades. It means you should always trade in the direction of recent price movement.

Trading with the trend is a hard one to do because a stop losses point will be farther away, potentially causing a larger loss if you are wrong. This is why so few traders are successful. They cannot bring themselves to trade in a psychologically difficult way.

That’s it! The secrets in trading success. Too simple and easy? By just following the four basic rules which are the trading secret you will find yourself gaining more profits.

Although they are just the basic rules, it is hard to follow. In order to apply them into your trading, you will need to develop mental discipline and patience to follow the rules.

About the Author

Taro is an experience trader who trades in stocks, futures, forex. He strongly focuses on technical analysis, trading systems and money management.

If you would like to find more articles on MetaStock Tutorials, MetaStock Formulas, Trading Systems and Money Management. Please go to MetaStock Trading System.

You would also find the list of recommended books for trading & investing at The Investing Books.

Popular Stop Loss EA Exit Strategies

By Warren Seah

The importance of stop loss EA lies in its ability to help prevent excessive losses by automatically closing a trade once a preset level has been reached. The level of a stop loss is usually fixed at a price below the buying price once a trader places a buy order. Conversely, the stop loss is fixed at a level higher than the selling price when a sell order is set off. It should, however, be noted that the exit strategy a trader chooses must be in sync with his trading system and entry strategies. When a breakout system or a contrarian system is used, the stop loss EA must not be large so as to ensure that once a trade turns bad, the trade is exited automatically. When a trader uses the trending system, the level of stop loss could be set larger to allow the trader more time to trade. The aim of setting the stop loss is to minimize a trader’s loss in any single forex trade. However, there are different types of stops that could be brought into a trading system.

Initial stop and trailing stop are two of the stop loss EA strategies. Generally, initial stop is set at the beginning of every trade, and it is very useful in estimating the size of the position that would be proper for trading. Initial stop spells out the maximum loss that a trader will take on any trade. Trailing stop, on the other hand, is a product of the market movements, and its usage lies in assisting a trader secure some level of profits whenever trading becomes favorable. This strategy works in such a way that, as the trend builds up, the price movements is trailed by the stop so that should there be a trend reversal, the profits realized is preserved.

Moving average trailing stop, two bar trailing stop, parabolic SAR trailing stop, channel trailing stop and average true range trailing stop are some of the stop loss EA strategies. The two bar trailing stop strategy is perfect for market conditions where a trend reversal is probable. Average true range trailing stop, otherwise known as ATR indicator, is mostly used by traders who follow trend or turtle traders for ascertaining how volatile the market is so as to enable them protect their profit by fixing the stop loss far from a highly volatile level. Channel trailing stop is also popularly used among the earlier mentioned sets of traders – trend following traders and turtle traders.

It is a necessary thing for stop loss EA strategies to be decided based on the dynamics of the market. And when we talk about dynamics of the market, we mean the prevailing conditions of the market. It is very important to take this market dynamics into cognizance when planning for a trade as it would give a trader an idea of things to do so that he does not close his trade prematurely when there are opportunities for more profits to be made.

About the Author

Warren Seah

What if you just couldn’t trade forex effectively with a day time job?

I know how hard it can be to trade forex manually, but if you want to really be successfully trading your own unique manual system, you need to learn a single method that works amazingly well.

This method is simple to pick up and it works like an automated trade exit tool. Yes, you can now select the forex exit strategy and the tool will manage your trade and exit with profit. You can read how to do it in my free report here: Forex Exit Strategy

Don’t give up hope, it’s NOT impossible. Stop Loss EA will expand your trading capabilities to greater trading success learn more by clicking the link.

The Dollar Might See Some Recovery

By David Frank, Chief Analyst, AvaFX

The dollar’s this past week was very volatile. However, that did not translate into consistent direction. Looking at the fundamentals, the lack of direction one way or the other is fitting. Why? The economic docket was exceptionally light. However, we have come to learn that the data and headlines from the US do not always guide the USD. It is the overall health of the global financial markets. We will see the market continue to decide and think over the balance of risk trends as well as market stability. These are against the backdrop of headlines which end up threatening both.

This coming week, and next, might be interesting. First, dollar traders will need to keep an eye on underlying market sentiment. Having a good grasp on risk appetite is important. However, the potential for any form of a trend from the Dollar resides within the momentum behind these shifts in optimism. The best way to measure this so called notion of risk trends and its impact on the USD is to monitor two things:

1.    the performance of the S&P 500
2.    The strength of correlations between different asset classes

As usual, the S&P 500 index is the favored barometer for investor sentiment. Why? This is the most recognizable and liquid equity index in the world’s largest economy. This makes it a perfect gauge for global sentiment. Also, equities have an inherent bullish bias. Why? The vast majority of market participants buy and then hold. Following that logic, when confidence rises, equity shares are purchased. When fear or the markets are shaken, they are sold. In correlations, we see how critical funding availability, expected rates of return, economic growth, stimulus and other market manipulations take over the broad flow of capital.

Over the coming weeks, the exceptional volatility we are seeing as well as the growing appreciation for global stability threats will maintain correlation and keep speculative interests in favor of headlines and especially those which might provide a surprise.

If we look at a big picture view of the world markets, the general trend might be towards a greater sensitivity to risk aversion. With the IMF now warning that the world could reenter a recession, yields are easing on a global scale. We are seeing more regulations requiring banks to carry more capital on hand and stimulus running into ceilings. It could be that conditions might be ripe for a follow up to the 2008 crisis.

This might increase investor response to negative headlines while possibly dampening the positive ones. However, it would seem that positive updates are more likely. Relief for immediate crises is something Forex, commodity and equity traders have grown familiar with. This is due to the long standing efforts by US and European officials to try to get a grip on the ongoing debt problems. With Italy and Greece stepping back from the ledge this past week, the most likely villains for a credit crunch have been delayed. Unless we see something new pop up in the headlines that reflect an emerging market bubble crisis the market may be happy for now.

For more information on forex trading or CFD trading please visit us at



Trading Forex – Best currencies to trade

By Mike P. Kulej

The explosion of over the counter Forex trading led to increased competition on part of brokers. Over last few years trade execution has become much better, spreads went down and trading platforms have seen dramatic improvement in performance and functionality. Another area of brokers services that witnessed huge changes is the number of currency pairs available for trading.

As recently as 5 years years ago there were platform offering only 4 major pairs for trading, all of them US dollar denominated – EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD and USD/CHF. Not much choice there. Vast majority of brokers would provide 8 to 12 currency pairs. That was the staple. Only very select group could boast availability of 20 or more crosses.

Those times seem like ancient history. These days broker which offers 20 or so currencies is, well, services deficient. New norm seems to be availability of 50 + pairs on a trading platform, while few leaders provide over 70 or even close to 1000 currency based financial products. If swaps and options are included, this number can easily breach 300. Quite a difference over just few short years.

Does it mean that all these instruments are suitable for an average trader? The answer is resounding “NO”. Some currency pairs are better than others, especially for beginning and less experienced traders. Some should be all out avoided or left for true professionals. That said, which are the best currency pairs to trade?

Trading instrument, should be liquid, have low cost of trading and have enough volatility to present profit opportunities as often as possible. Volatility, of course, is a double edged sword and can be detrimental, as well as desirable. Most of USD and, these days, EUR crosses fit into this mold.

Beginners should generally concentrate on the old stand byes, the 4 majors. EUR/USD and USD/CHF should the the first to consider. Both are very liquid, have low spreads (minimal trading costs) and move quite a bit. Incidentally, under current market conditions, USD/CHF is less volatile, and probably better for new comers, while still providing very good opportunities.

If you prefer fasting moving currency, GBP/USD is for you. The “cable” can move with surprising speed, but that works both ways- losses can be just as swift. Last one of the 4 majors is USD/JPY. Despite its much vaunted status, it is also a currency most susceptible to political influence. That can lead to more unpredictable behavior than the before mention pairs, but it has extremely low spreads and huge volume.

At present some of EUR denominated pairs are just as liquid as USD crosses. Most notable are EUR/CHF, EUR/JPY and GBP/USD. All of them are among the very best currencies to trade. EUR/CHF, for example, is far from being the boring instrument of years past. Daily trading ranges are very similar to USD/CHF, spread is the same and, by some accounts, volume is even higher.

Rounding up the best currencies to trade is AUD/USD. This pair has also experienced tightening spread, increased volume and widening daily trading range. On the contrary, the remaining dollars, USD/CAD and NZD/USD, should probably be left alone by less experienced traders. One of their less desirable characteristic is significant luck of liquidity pool at certain times of the day.

While it is good to have wide range of choices when it comes to trading options, it is not necessary, or even possible, to master all of them. There is nothing wrong with trading only the most popular currencies. They are most accessible and most information is available about them. Some of the best traders around specialize in only or two of these pairs. So can you.

About the Author

Mike P. Kulej is a Chief Forex Strategist for Spectrum Forex LLC. He specializes in mechanical trading systems as explained on Spectrum Forex LLC offers numerous services to individual traders. You can also follow his trading blog at With questions and comments e-mail him at [email protected].

Turmoil In US Could Reflect Upon USD on Online Forex Exchange

By James Smith

The United States is currently undergoing a good deal financial turmoil as of late, and the result has been a good deal of civil unrest. The Occupy Wall Street movement has spread throughout the United States and the rest of the world, and has created a good deal of hatred towards large corporations and the banking system. Such feelings have actually manifested in riots, damage to public and private property, and a number of other violent crimes. Currently many are speculating that the movement is costing the entire country tens of millions of dollars. This fact has not fallen on deaf ears and has created a good deal of concern in the international community for the USD on the online forex exchange, and while it has not impacted price as of yet it just might in the near future.

No one thought much of the London riots until they tore the city apart, and at that point the British pound began to suffer in a big way. There is no limit to the amount of damage that can be done to the economy if this movement is left to continue going on as it has. In Oakland, California man was put into a coma by a stray tear gas canister, while countless others in other cities have been injured through various non-lethal weapons employed by the police. Such circumstances have lead to a very bad interpretation of the way the United States is handling the discontent of their citizens, and this does not bode well for future foreign perception.

Being able to distinguish between the short term and long-term problems the US faces by way of its citizens is something economists really need to consider. The protestors throughout the country have actually begun to target banks and other financial institutions for acts of vandalism and intimidation. Various banks have been openly harassed and had windows knocked out in addition to having graffiti spray painted onto them. Such occurrences have prompted more aggressive responses by the police force; however, to think that these attacks will not influence the decision making practices of banks would be ignorant. It is exactly this thought process that will likely create continued indifference to this movement and allow it to spiral further out of control. Unfortunately there is not a lot that can be done at this point outside of arrest and other somewhat violent responses.

About the Author

The author is a Forex trader and financial analyst residing in Denver, Colorado. To stay up to date on all the latest developments in the financial world and beyond be sure to stay up to date with the latest forex quotes.