By Johnny Smiths
Searching online for a forex robot can bring you quite an array to choose from. The one thing that they all have in common is they do not work. There I said it, someone had too! You can twist it as much as you like the fact is that all forex robots out on the market will fail you at one point or another.
I recently came across a forex robot called Leo Trader Pro that had been shown at the forex convention in Las Vegas. As I researched it more I became more and more interested in its trading ability and what makes it different from the other robots that are out there.
Leo Trader Pro is a completely hands free forex robot that completely automates forex trading, once the software is installed it trades everyday with no human intervention. That statement alone makes this automated forex software stand out above the rest straight away.
The next thing that really got me salivating is the fact that it is not being back tested to give you the results and claims of a high percent success rate. The company give you a username and password to log into their live account on investor privileges to watch their Leo Trader Pro robot in action.
I logged in straight away being prepared for disappointment; I have to say I was quite amazed. Since August 2010 up until this present day the Leo Trader Pro has not made a single loss, granted the account is only trading in lots of $0.10-$0.20 but still the results are the same, NO LOSS.
I noticed that the stop losses on the trades are 330 pips, which I personally felt is out of my comfort zone but then looking at all the trades since the initial $500 dollar deposit it makes sense. The account has had no losses, no additional deposits or withdrawals and stands at $3080 after five months. Imagine if you had the deposit to cover trading at $1-$2 per pip you would have a profit of $30,000 for 5 months.
The Leo Trader Pro is traded on the Metatrader 4 platform which is well recognised, so I couldn’t see any possible scam there. It clearly shows it is a live account being traded real time in front of you I even opened up another platform to see if the prices where the same, they were to the second.
My experience of trading forex over the past 5 years has taught me one thing; investigate any forex program you are thinking about taking on fully, do your due diligence to avoid disappointment. So far I have not found a reason to reject the claims or the proof made by Leo Trader Pro.
About the Author
I don’t expect you to believe me so check out this forex robot for yourself. See if you can find fault with Leo Trader Pro, I know I can’t.