By Warren Seah
Bad News: A myriad of novices are sold the fraudulent fantasy that forex trading is a “get rich quick,” form of money making– that they would be pulling in thousands upon thousands in their first few hours. As reality hits (ie their capital has eroded), they become disillusioned. They began to realize that it was a bit of a sham; that coming out of the gate with no prior knowledge on trading was fatal. It’s like trying to scuba dive without knowing how to swim. Sure, the “experts” might declare that it is a feasible task. They might say that within a week you will be a millionaire with the world at your feet, but the odds are against you. You’re more likely to drown.
Good News: You can still make a tremendous amount of money learning how to trade forex, futures or stocks. First, however, you must allot the time and energy into learning how it can be done. A trader without knowledge is a carpenter without tools (there is a staggering amount of traders who don’t know how to use indicators, or don’t know what a triangle chart pattern is, for instance). And those without tool will not get the job done.
Tool 1: Courage
Fear is a powerful nemesis. Fear will render your trading strategy incapacitated. It will strangle any hopes you may have of success. Without courage, you won’t be able to take the first steps. Without courage, you may not be able to put the first order in for a trade. Without courage, failure is inevitable. To be a competent trader, one must contain a ferocity, a tenacity– an impetus so powerful that no outside clamor will deter you from your goals. Whether trading forex, futures, or stocks, this tenacity is required of the trader. Let’s say you’re trading a currency pair– the USD/EUR (this is forex, by the way.) Your trade begins fairly well, but midway through, its strength starts to waver. You begin to consider closing the trade, but your trading strategy, system, or indicators tell you that you should stay in. So, will you remain in the trade (as your strategy tells you), or will your fear admonish you to exit? This is the classic dilemma that all traders face. While I will not provide amnesty for idiotic trading (stupidly staying in the trade when everything tells you to close out), I will endorse courage. Often, just as soon as you exit, the trade will start to take off; you will be knocking your head against the wall for not staying in.
Tool 2: Knowledge
I know, this is a broad tool, like a Swiss Army’s knife, but it’s powerful nonetheless. Knowledge, for instance might consist of knowing how to read triangle chart patterns or knowing what the difference is between “going long” or “going short.” As aforesaid, you need knowledge to do the job–without it, you’ll eternally look for your handy screwdriver. An example: triangle chart patterns help to identify the direction and destination of a trend. These sorts of indicators can definitely help with the success of a trader.
Tool 3: Discipline
This is another intangible tool, but it’s powerful one. Discipline is sort of a conglomerate. It consists of courage (not backing down), of knowledge (using what you know to succeed), but discipline indicates that you will not stray from these things. It will mean that you will adhere to your strategy; you will not be the classic, impulsive novice who associates trading with going to the casino (and loses big in the process.)
These three things– courage, knowledge, discipline– should be the launch pad for any beginner. They are not to be forgotten.
About the Author
Warren Seah
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