Profit From One of the Biggest Bull Markets of the Decade… Without Risking a Penny


Profit From One of the Biggest Bull Markets of the Decade… Without Risking a Penny

Commodities are on a tear.

Whether we’re talking about precious metals or energy futures, commodities have posted strong gains over the past ten years. Take silver for example. It’s up 127% this year alone. And oil touched $100 per barrel on Tuesday… and that comes after the peak of the summer driving season and the release of strategic reserves a few weeks ago.

But as an investment, commodities have historically proven to be very volatile — especially in recent years. Such dramatic ups and downs can be a huge turn-off for some investors, especially us income lovers who simply want a stable investment and a steady return.

But what if I were to tell you there was a way you can profit from the bullish outlook for commodities, without risking a penny?

That’s right. I’ve found an investment that can expose your portfolio to the potential offered by commodities with absolutely zero risk. It’s even insured by the FDIC — the same people that insure your savings account.

Now, I’ve told Dividend Opportunities readers about this investment before, most recently back in April.

Even so, this investment is still largely unknown. In fact, you won’t find it on any exchange, and you won’t find a price chart. But don’t worry, it’s simpler to understand than any stock.

The investment I’m talking about is a CD, or certificate of deposit. But this isn’t your run of the mill version you’d find at your local bank. Today, you’d be lucky to earn more than a couple percent from a regular CD.

That’s not the case here.

The official name is a “MarketSafe” CD, and right now the only ones of this breed I’ve found are offered exclusively by EverBank  — a specialty bank that offers many securities you can’t find elsewhere.

It works a lot like a regular CD. You open an account, purchase the CD, and then wait for the payout five years down the road. But your return is tied to the performance of a basket of assets — usually commodities.

If the prices of the commodities that the CD is tied to increase, at the end of five years investors get their money back plus the gain of the underlying assets during that time, capped at up to 50% (if the underlying commodities rise more than the cap, investors of this CD won’t see that extra return).

But here’s the best part. If the market takes a turn for the worst, and we see falling commodity prices, then you’re at least guaranteed your principal back at the end of the term.

EverBank offers a variety of these MarketSafe CDs that track different baskets of commodities. But each CD is only made available for a limited amount of time. For instance, EverBank’s current offering — the “Timeless Metals” CD — is only available to investors until August 18, 2011.

Now this investment may not be right for everyone. Like most CDs, you must hold this investment until maturity, and there are penalties for withdrawing early. So if you’ll need your money before the end of five years, you’ll want to look elsewhere. But for many investors, this may be a great way to diversify your portfolio without losing sleep at night.

With a minimum investment of $1,500, I think the MarketSafe CDs offers risk-adverse investors a great opportunity to enter into one of the most bullish runs we’ve seen this decade.

You can learn more about this investment by checking out EverBank’s website.

Always searching for your next paycheck,

Amy Calistri
Chief Investment Strategist — The Daily Paycheck

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