By China Research and Intelligence – “After more than 30 years of development, China has become a large ship repair country. After the reform and opening up, ship repair enterprises in Liaoning, Tianjin, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong, etc are being expanded and strengthened continuously. The regional competition of Chinese ship repair industry concentrates in three regions – the Bohai Bay Rim centering on Dalian, Yangtze River Delta centering on Zhoushan and the Pearl River Delta centering on Guangzhou. Influenced by the financial crisis, Chinese ship repair industry sustained depression in 2009. Specifically, the volume of ships for repair was raised, while the repair business of single ship suffered drastic decline with substantial price reduction. The average plate renewing price was reduced from 2,800-2,900 USD/ton at the end of September 2008 to 1,000 USD/ton or even 900 USD/ton, approaching the record low. This is mainly because many enterprises competed for orders by low price. In 2009, the market scale of Chinese ship repair industry was about CNY 57 billion, dropping by about 5% YOY. It is forecast that Chinese ship repair industry will recover in 2010.
In recent years, the construction of repair docks in China is sped up and great achievements have been made. The reserving volume of Chinese repair docks also acquires a higher ranking in the world. By the end of 2008, the reserving volume of 50,000-ton and above repair dock in China reached 59 with a capacity of near 8.39 million tons. The repair volume of major ship repair enterprises came to about 5,310, roughly 100 million DWT. The repair volume of foreign ships exceeded 1,784 with a total weight of 81.84 million DWT.
The world ship repair center has been transferred to the region represented by China and has taken shape preliminarily, providing the opportunity for the development of Chinese ship repair industry. The advantages of Chinese ship repair industry in cost, geography and economic development will long exist. The modernized development of Chinese industry is in the primary stage at present. The labor-intensive advantage will be replaced gradually by technology and capital intensive advantages. The transition period, which is about 10-20 years, will be the golden age of Chinese repair industry. An enormous amount of international and domestic investment will be attracted to this industry.
Through this report, readers can acquire more information:
-Status quo of development of Chinese ship repair industry
-Factors affecting the development of Chinese ship repair industry
-Competition on Chinese ship repair market
-Major enterprises in Chinese ship repair industry and their operation
-Influence of international financial crisis on Chinese ship repair industry
-Prediction on development tendency of Chinese ship repair industry
-Investment opportunities in Chinese ship repair industry
Following persons are recommended to buy this report:
-Ship manufacturers
-Ship maintenance & repair enterprises
-Transportation enterprises
-Ship owners
-Investors concerning the ship maintenance & repair industry
-Research institutes concerning the ship maintenance & repair industry
-Others concerning the ship maintenance & repair industry
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China Research and Intelligence