By James McKee
Egypt’s turmoil continues as hundreds of thousands of protestors line the streets demanding an end to the current ruling party and its members. There have been a large number of homicides and property damage is incalculable at the moment. The hardest hit of all currencies was the US Dollar that dropped over one percent. Conditions do not seem to be improving at all in Egypt and on the contrary seem to be worsening as time goes on. The Egyptian people after having been starved more often than not for the past couple decades have stated loud and clear that they have had enough.
Conflict and social strife have never been good for business and since the world has taken on a global economy any ripples in western or developing countries has an adverse effect on everyone. This is a necessary evil that is coming up more and more as the world’s economy continues to degenerate into a mess of epic proportions. The first and last word on the subject of the US Dollar currently would be “rollercoaster”, many emerging US companies such as Facebook are poised to make a heavy entrance into the stock market. This spells out some long-needed prosperity for the US market as other companies find themselves faltering.
Such events do little however to stem the tide of ill-fated countries falling by the wayside. Tunisia, Egypt and possibly Syria are all teetering on the edge and they are not alone. Staying up to date on any world events in developing nations is very important in the Forex currency exchange. Reading the newspaper is more than an academic effort to stay informed, it is a business tool to be used in an effort to gauge the changing markets. It is indeed possible that the conflict in Egypt will have many more ups and downs in the coming weeks and they are something all traders should stay aware of.
About the Author
The author’s love of life is ultimately rooted in his drive to learn forex