By James Woolley
The reason why a lot of people sign up to the various different forex affiliate programs is because they know that they can potentially make a lot of money. However signing up is the easy part. The difficult part is getting your offers in front of enough people to start generating some affiliate commissions.
The fact is that most people go about it the wrong way. For example if they have some cash behind them, they may head straight to Google, or one of the other search engines, and start paying for pay-per-click advertising.
It is an automatic assumption to make that because a lot of products can cost several thousand dollars, it should be easy to cover your expenses. However this is rarely the case because people need a great deal of convincing before they part with such a large sum of money. Furthermore even if you do generate some sales and it looks as if you will be able to cover your costs, you may find that the product is then refunded at a later date, and you are back in the red again.
This is all too common in the forex niche. Whilst there are a few really good products and services being sold online, the vast majority of them are not that great if I’m being totally honest.
There is a much better way to make profits as an affiliate and that’s to build your own website or blog, and start building an email list at the earliest opportunity. That way you have two opportunities to make sales.
First of all you can write product reviews for all of the major products that are released, asking for review copies from the product creator if necessary. If you do some basic SEO work, you can then get plenty of free traffic from the search engines and start generating sales that way.
You can also sign up to an autoresponder service and start building an email list on this same website or blog. That way you can gradually add new people to your list every day, and start sending email messages to each subscriber whenever a major new product is released.
This is particularly beneficial because that way you can build up a degree of trust and respect. So when you do actually recommend a product (which you have truly found to be very good), you will generate a lot more sales because they will trust your judgement.
So the point is that if you are struggling to make sales in the forex niche, you should concentrate on creating a good quality website or blog and building an email list through that site. If you take a look at all of the super affiliates in this niche, you will notice that they all have their own email list of subscribers. So this is absolutely imperative if you want to become a highly successful affiliate yourself.
About the Author
James Woolley is both a forex trader and an affiliate marketer. Click here to discover which forex trading affiliate programs he most recommends.