Understanding Foreign Exchange Pricing for a Forex Newcomer

The Forex or Foreign Exchange market or the currency market is one of world’s biggest trading fields today. It’s growing each day with billions of money changing hands 24 hours a day. Forex market is not like stock market or so; it’s an over-the-counter market or OTC market which tells that there isn’t any worldwide exchange for an explicit currency pair. The market operates 24×7 among individuals with forex brokers, forex brokers with the banks, and banks with other banks. The bigger part of this market consists of currency traders, who hypothesize the movements in the exchange rates of currencies.

The currency traders around the world, such as an individual, a commercial corporation or a broker try to get the benefit of even a little fluctuation in the currency exchange rates. Mostly, exchange rate fluctuations happen because of the actual monetary flow in the economy and the macroeconomic condition of the world. When fluctuation takes place, news is published about it and everyone gets hold of it. So, unlike other markets, here traders can react instantly to the news instead of waiting for the market to open. The traders and brokers in forex market depend on data about the economy and the market event. The Forex Economic Calendar keeps track of all the important economic events which influence the Forex market and makes way for analysis. With the help of this analysis, anticipation about the futures OTC and market movements could be made.

In the forex market, currencies of different countries are traded against each other. Each currency pair is a market product. The currency pairs are usually noted as XXX/YYY. YYY is the ISO 4217 international three-letter code of the currency and the price of one unit of the currency XXX is expressed through YYY, i.e. EUR/USD. The currency pairs of non-US dollar currencies are frequently called Crosses. But cross-rate doesn’t imply only rate exchange of these currencies.

When the investor wants to trade one currency for another, it is called crossing currency which is the main objective of forex market. Understanding forex pricing is easy as it deals with two different prices quoted, that are – bid (The price you sell at) and ask (the price you buy at). It also deals with Crosses & Pips. In case of currency crosses, the variation of the price, between the price which a seller in the market would ask a wholesale customer and the price which, that seller would use, to bid from the wholesale customer is nominal, and mostly varies from 1 to 2 pips. But the retail customers usually go to brokers for trade.  The forex brokers work with loads of currency tips and strategies. One has to learn a lot about currency trading tips by research and observation of the market, to get success in forex trades. The forex brokers in India are conducting in the market well, but there’s a lot of cheats to be aware of. Though nowadays many companies are providing service or reference of reliable and efficient brokers.

Article by http://www.fxcentral.net/
