By Adam Hewison – Never miss another major move again, and this headline proves it.
Severe Russian drought forces grain export ban – Moscow, Russia (CNN) — As Russia reels from the worst drought in nearly 40 years …
The wheat market is the hottest market in the world right now due to severe drought in Russia. But how did MarketClub’s “Trade Triangle” technology do in this rocket-to-the-stars market?
MarketClub’s “Trade Triangle” technology received a “go long” wheat signal over 6 weeks ago. Wheat was trading at $5.17 back then. It is now trading at over $8.00 a bushel.
Wheat is one of the six key components in MarketClub’s World Cup Portfolio (WCP – formerly World Commodity Portfolio). In the twelve quarters we have tracked this portfolio, wheat has been profitable in 11 out of those twelve quarters. This quarter looks to be a bonanza with profits in excess of $11,000 per contract.
In the this video below I show you the move, the “Trade Triangles,” and the results. It is a not to be missed video.
All the best,
Adam Hewison
President of
Co-creator of the MarketClub
To see more of Adam’s Videos click here or sign up for Adam’s Free 10-part Professional Trading Course.