New MarketClub Chart improvements

By Adam Hewison

This video is a little bit different from our previous videos in that we show you some of the new improvements we’ve just added to MarketClub.

I just got the word from my business partner Dave Maher, who is the technical part of the team that he had just upgraded the MarketClub charts. I was so excited at the improvements that I decided to rush over to our digital studios and create a new video. All credit goes to Dave and his team who did an outstanding job on this new MarketClub release.

One major improvement and one I believe you’re going to really enjoy and profit from is a study called “Donchian Channels”. This study is named after its inventor Richard Donchian who created this amazing technical juggernaut in the late 40s.

There are also a ton of other improvements like, cross hairs and a new 200 day moving average study which I think you’ll enjoy. You might be surprised at how I use the 200 day moving average.

You can view this new video with our compliments. There are no registration requirements. Please enjoy and give your feedback on our blog. Thank you.

See the New Video Here…

All the best,

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub
