Is the S&P 500 running out of gas?

By Adam Hewison

After a spectacular rally from the lows seen last month, the S&P appears to be running into overhead resistance.

Is this the pause that refreshes, or is this the pause that reverses the market back towards the lows?

I have said for some time that I was not that confident that this rally would continue as our long-term “Trade Triangle” remained in a negative mode. In my new video I outline the key areas that I believe will shape this market in the coming weeks and months.

The video features our “Trade Triangle” technology as well as our Fibonacci tools. I will also remind you of a concept that has been around for a while, but one that you might not be aware of.

No matter what happens, you are going to see some extraordinary markets and some wonderful opportunities to make money in the next 6-9 months.

Some investors may be hoping for the best, but be prepared as we might see another dive.
I highly recommend students of the market to take a few minutes and watch my latest video. Even if you’re a seasoned pro you may find what you see interesting and therefore profitable.

As always, my video come is complimentary with no strings attached.

See the New Video Here.

All the best,

Adam Hewison

Co-creator, MarketClub
