How high can Apple go?

By Adam Hewison

In this short video, I will take a look at Apple, Inc (NYSE_AAPL). I have to admit I love Apple products. I have an iPhone, an iMac and an iPod touch and several other Mac add-ons.

I have always loved their products, but I tend to be fickle with the stock. Thanks to our “Trade Triangle” technology, I have fallen in love all over again with Apple’s stock. I had been looking for this market to move lower based on the economic conditions and the market action, however this proved to be a false indication as Apple has moved to its best levels in quite some time.

I’ve just finished a new video on Apple, my first video on Apple in a while. Take a look and I’ll give you my thoughts and target zones for this very exciting stock.

The world has changed, it is not a buy and hold market anymore. You need to be nimble, trade with a game plan and be disciplined. Those are the key mantras of a successful trader.

As always, this video is with our compliments and there is no need to register to watch.

See the Video Here..


Adam Hewison

Co-creator, MarketClub
