How to Safely Store Your Digital Coins

October 29, 2017

By Adinah Brown

Digital currency is emerging as a solid alternative to credit cards and other forms of payment online. In addition, the value of cryptocurrency as an investment continues to grow. Although there is a significant value proposition in these currencies, many potential digital currency investors may be concerned about security. However, there are many safe ways to trade and keep bitcoin, and the key is finding the right kind of wallet.

What Is a Digital Currency Wallet?

A digital wallet securely stores cryptocurrency. The user can send and receive currency and keep it safely for an extended period of time. The system works through private and public keys. The private key is a digital code the owner uses to provide access to a public code that corresponds to a specific amount of the cryptocurrency. To ensure security, it is essential to work with a reputable wallet company that offers a high-quality product with convenient features and top-notch security.

What to Look for in a Digital Currency Wallet

Since keeping your cryptocurrency on exchanges is not a safe way to manage your digital coins, significant care should be taken to selecting a virtual wallet. Think of your digital wallet as an investment that will make trading in cryptocurrencies safe and lucrative. Here are some questions you should ask before choosing a specific kind of wallet:

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· Does the company have a solid reputation for security?

· How accessible are the coins once they are stored?

· How much does it cost?

· Is the wallet easy to use?

· Does it have attractive features?

Of course, not all of these priorities carry the same weight for every user. Some tech-savvy cryptocurrency investors may prefer sophistication over user-friendliness, whereas for others, the cost may be the deciding factor. Do some research on the top cryptocurrency wallets and read reviews to find out which wallets successful investors are using.

Varieties of Digital Wallets

Not only are there many brands of digital wallets to choose from, but there are several basic categories:

· Software Wallets

· Mobile Wallets

· Web Wallets

· Paper Wallets

For investors who prefer plenty of cutting-edge features, a software wallet may be the best choice. As the name suggests, these wallets are available in the form of software that can be installed on a computer. Although mobile wallets provide convenience, software wallets can be more complex and offer extra features. Those who like to make trades and transactions on the go may prefer mobile wallets. Web-based wallets store information on the cloud and are ideal in case there is a malfunctioning in a computer or mobile device. Those who like extra security may prefer to print out codes for their currency and store them in a physical wallet.

There is no need to be overly concerned about the security of cryptocurrency as long as your coins are stored safely. Keeping your virtual money on exchanges involves significant risk, and therefore, the best option is to select a wallet the suits your lifestyle and your investing preferences. After spending some time researching digital wallet companies, you can feel confident choosing a wallet that will keep your money safe.  

About the Author:

Adinah Brown is a professional writer who has worked in a wide range of industry settings, including corporate industry, government and non-government organizations. Within many of these positions, Adinah has provided skilled marketing and advertising services and is currently the Content Manager at Leverate.