Chaos is a Ladder

September 8, 2017

By Chaos is a Ladder

Louis BaseneseAs we age, our tendency is to exist in comfort zones.

We’re all guilty, right?

Today, I’m suggesting that you fight this natural human instinct…

Because, quite frankly, comfort zones are dangerous.Comfort zones have a deadening effect, weakening us with every breath.

So here’s what I’d like you to do ASAP… Embrace chaos.

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Chaos can be a very good thing.

Heck, chaos can even make you richer.

Perhaps Petyr Baelish — a character on the popular show Game of Thrones — put it best…

Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb but they refuse. They cling to the realm or the gods or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

When viewed through Baelish’s lens, it’s easier to understand modern-day liberals — and why they’re tearing down statues. They’re creating chaos — hopeful that the chaos leads to upward mobility for millions of Americans.This happens in business, too.

Microsoft caused chaos in the 1990s, minting plenty of personal fortunes along the way.

Apple caused chaos in the 2000s and hatched a new bloodline of millionaires and billionaires as a result.

Amazon is causing chaos right now, and shareholders get richer by the day.With that in mind, below are three chaotic events happening inside the stock market at this very moment! Each “act of chaos” warrants your immediate investment attention.

Genetic Photoshop on the Way?

Jonathan RodriguezIn 2003, after 13 years of painstaking work, researchers cracked the human genome code.

Consisting of more than 3.5 billion base pairs, this schematic has provided scientists with invaluable insight into how the immune system works.

In fact, immunotherapy — a new, powerful cancer treatment that enhances a patient’s own immune system to fight off cancer cells — is a direct result of this chaotic discovery.

But it’s the next application of this research that investors should really be watching for…

Using a tool called CRISPR, scientists can now actually edit genomes with precision.

The possibilities for this technology are endless…

Eradicating genetic diseases, making animal organs viable for humans or even ending famine.

To be sure, this technology is controversial and must be applied ethically.

Bottom line: Gene editing has the potential to not only save billions of lives but enrich early investors many times over as well.

Creating Billions out of Thin Air

Martini HutchinsonIf ever there was a chaotic invention, it’s cryptocurrencies.

Ten years ago, the possibility of a digital, decentralized form of currency wasn’t even on anybody’s radar.

Heck, the very notion that a $175 billion market could be created out of thin air would have seemed insane.

Yet from Satoshi Nakamura’s mother’s basement in 2009, a giant new market has emerged.

It’s no scam, either. Far from it…

In an era when governments are threatening to abolish cash and monitor everyone’s payment records, an anonymous store of wealth and means of exchange, uncontrolled by governments, is clearly needed.

If Big Brother can use Big Data in an attempt to know everything, cryptocurrencies are a means by which ordinary people can fight back and preserve some financial privacy.

They are thus a vital element in our future freedoms and will continue to maintain a substantial long-term economic presence.

In fact, readers of our new trading advisory service, The Crypto Alert, just booked two winning cryptocurrency trades — each reaching over 200%. Find out more by clicking here.

Prepare Yourself for the “Invisible” Technology Revolution

Louis BaseneseThe prospect of portable electronic devices being able to understand, translate and then act upon commands — spoken in every language in the world in a matter of seconds — is as chaotic as it gets.

But thanks to profound advances in natural language processing and machine-learning, as well as wide-scale availability of mobile devices and internet access, voice is the next revolutionary — and inevitable — progression in the way humans interact with machines.

In fact, Gartner predicts that within 12 months, 30% of all human interactions with technology will be via voice

To quote top venture capitalist Benedict Evans, we need to prepare for a completely frictionless interface: “No buttons, apps or intermediate steps. No ‘computer stuff’ between you and the service. Just use it.”

And we need to prepare now!

Although voice recognition technology has been around for decades, we’re mere decimal points away from a key inflection point.

More specifically, back in the 1990s, computers could recognize roughly 60% of spoken words. Impressive, but for the technology to really be useful and gain mainstream adoption, industry insiders agreed that the accuracy rate would need to hit 95%.

Fast-forward to October 2016, and Microsoft engineers revealed in a research paper that they achieved an accuracy rate of 94.1%. Even for the most complicated languages, like Mandarin Chinese.

Then in March 2017, IBM’s speech recognition team achieved a new record high at 94.5%.

“As Shawn DuBravac, chief economist for the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), says, ‘We’ve seen more progress in this technology in the last 30 months than we saw in the last 30 years.’”

Translation: In a matter of months, we’ll breach the tipping point for mass adoption.

Understandably, companies levered to this trend stand to deliver handsome profits to savvy investors.

All the major tech companies — from Apple to Microsoft to Google to Amazon to Samsung — are banking on voice as the next big interface.

But the most explosive profits will be confined to small-cap and microcap innovators in the space.

We’ve identified a trio of such companies. All you have to do to gain access to the ticker symbols — and our full research reports — is sign up here.

Ahead of the tape,

Louis Basenese
Chief Investment Strategist, Wall Street Daily

The post Chaos is a Ladder appeared first on Wall Street Daily.