A Dirty Game of Numbers

September 14, 2015

By Chris VermeulenTheGoldAndOilGuy.com

The newest addition of the Bureau of lies’ newest falsified and manipulated document about the employment figures is now out, available for viewing of the ignorant masses. The makers of the report will make sure that they drum it up for the whole world to hear, so that their plans of treachery and deceit stay well on course. Even the mature financial minds at Wall Street will accept it, because they are always in search of positive news to help their financial interests in the market.

TV screens and websites are being used as tools for this grand manipulation with both flashing news that ultimately adds up to one big lie. Here is what the headlines on television and websites read:

The US Economy Added 173,000 Jobs in August Alone

The US’s Unemployment Rate Falls To 5.1%


Has anybody noticed? It’s rather unfortunate that the majority of Americans are busy making sense of their latest iGadget, frantically looking to make up their roster at fantasy football, or have just been a victim of the so called Public Education System. They are simply unable (or unwilling) to understand how only 173,000 jobs could decrease the unemployment rate so drastically.

How did this happen then? Well it’s pure and simple, the Bureau of Labor Statistics looks to have blatantly lied. How they do it, they tell the general public who are experiencing unemployment first hand that they (hundreds and thousands of Ordinary Americans) no longer need to work. Convincing many of them that they have enough in their lives with finances that they can live off their assets for the rest of their lives. This all comes down to one word, deception, pure and simple.

Why do they do it, well it is simple, Jean Claude Juncker said to those who are struggling and to our US congressman and politicians, which all have seemingly taken it to heart. He said:

“When The Going Gets Tough, You Have To Lie”


Unmasking the Truth

If the Bureau of Labor Statistics really believes that the unemployment rate at the moment is at 5.1%, which they proudly are declaring the lowest since April 2008, why is the interest rate kept at 0% by the Federal Reserve? The Federal discount rate in April 2008 was 2.5% and the economy was only growing at a paltry, 2%. If their numbers are to be believed, the growth of the economy today is 3.7%. If that was the case, the Federal Reserve’s wouldn’t have kept an emergency level interest rate going.

The Survey done by the establishment shows that there were only 173,000 Jobs added in the month of August. But, you won’t be hearing CNBC or Fox telling you that the total number of fake guess birthdates created on spreadsheets only in the month of August was 111,000. We can talk about this in a future article though…

So there have been hundreds and thousands of jobs created, at least that is what they say. That would mean new businesses opening, and old ones flourishing, but the number of businesses closing down is higher than the number of businesses opening which does not jive with the strong growth numbers they are reporting. But the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) does not work with reality that is visible on ground; it continues to make use of the historical data to predict jobs being created.

The reality is far, far from what is being told to you through the media. Instead of creation of 173,000 jobs, 111,000 have been created as hoax, not existing in reality and another 50,000 jobs are being closed as a result of scores of small businesses closing down each month. If the BLS had tried to be truthful, it would have outlined that the total number of jobs that have been produced amounts to near zero.


Unemployment Rate Down By So Much…Really?

The government wants you to believe that the state of the country’s economy is taking a turn for the better. That riches in the economy are so abundantly available that 1.5 million Americans have decided to voluntarily drop out of the workforce. And while that was happening, 835,000 American have got jobs, which have brought the unemployment rate down by 0.6% from 5.7% to 5.1%.

And to put it politely, and to sum up the discussion, the number of people in the US that are receiving food stamps is a whopping 45.5 million. I find this number insanely huge. That is like all of Canada’s population plus another 50% with no job, no money, and a bleak future. Scary stuff and worse part is that this number continues to climb.

I think the crash of the US economy is in sight and with all due credit to the Federal Reserve. The more they artificially support the market the harder the crash will be.

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Chris Vermeulen




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