The French Economy falls into recession

By HY Markets Forex Blog

The French economy has slipped into recession in the first quarter of the year after shrinking by 0.2 %.

France still struggles with the high record of unemployment and controlling public finances.

Unlike countries in the wider euro zone, France managed to escape falling into recession since 2008 – 2009. French President François Hollande is already facing the pressure of reviving the growth in the economy.According to the European commission forecast released earlier this month  , Euro- are GDP will drop 0.4 % this year after 0.6 percent declined in 2012 .


As the second largest country in the eurozone, it is very likely for the recession to stir up problems around the region.

CSA carried out a survey around April to find out French people’s opinion on how they thought he would succeed in improving the economy. Out of approximately 1,000 people that took part in the survey, only 11% believed Mr. Hollande would succeed in decreasing the high rate of unemployment by the end of the year.

According to reports, currently the German economy stands as the strongest in the eurozone which grew by 0.1% in the first quarter of the year.

Reports from the statistics office also show the Germen economy had shrunk within a year by 1.4%.

The European Commission did predict that France would fall into recession later this year earlier this month.

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