COT Leaders for Futures Markets

Tables: Open Interest Leaders | Large Speculators Leaders | Commercials Leaders | Small Trader Leaders

Open Interest Leaders

Market Open_Interest_All Change_OI PCT_Change_OI OI_Strength_Index OI_Strength-6wk_Chg
Australian Dollar 181,688 9,808 5.71 43.9 -18.1
Bloomberg Commodity Index 184,415 715 0.39 94.2 -2.3
Soybean Oil 578,654 -6,008 -1.03 92.2 22.9
British Pound 220,896 8,551 4.03 36.7 -26.7
Brazil Real 81,235 7,190 9.71 58.9 23.2
Brent Oil 154,790 9,869 6.81 40.4 13.5
Corn 1,666,967 -7,218 -0.43 96.7 34.7
Cocoa Futures 129,440 7,103 5.81 2.5 -2.8
Canadian Dollar 348,354 5,797 1.69 98.5 54.3
WTI Crude Oil 1,768,651 -23,648 -1.32 48.1 7.9
Cotton 240,002 -13,038 -5.15 61.6 -4.1
US Dollar Index 37,320 445 1.21 35.9 26.9
Euro 658,774 21,669 3.40 11.9 -5.6
E-mini SP MidCap400 43,779 2,842 6.94 33.5 31.2
MSCI EAFE MINI 440,714 -4,610 -1.04 55.3 19.2
Russell 2000 Mini 488,795 7,949 1.65 29.9 19.3
S&P500 Mini 2,259,351 24,095 1.08 31.5 13.4
Fed Funds 1,697,828 121,531 7.71 40.0 -39.4
5-Year Bond 6,800,137 370,717 5.77 97.2 15.8
Gold 502,952 -33,029 -6.16 41.4 -7.5
Copper 223,447 -8,833 -3.80 45.3 -10.6
Heating Oil 413,413 -2,755 -0.66 86.1 1.8
Steel 27,846 2,006 7.76 37.8 12.3
Japanese Yen 254,087 -3,601 -1.40 42.4 27.0
Coffee 199,432 -5,819 -2.84 24.0 -12.4
Live Cattle 346,308 1,191 0.35 84.9 24.4
Lean Hogs 343,180 -869 -0.25 98.6 29.1
Mexican Peso 139,260 -8,530 -5.77 15.9 1.2
New Zealand Dollar 72,846 8,630 13.44 92.9 32.4
Natural Gas 1,706,065 -57,487 -3.26 91.0 26.6
Nikkei 225 Yen 38,697 279 0.73 11.3 -0.7
Nikkei 225 10,849 -6,687 -38.13 3.9 -14.9
Nasdaq 275,071 -2,126 -0.77 51.9 19.3
Palladium 18,127 -290 -1.57 49.0 0.0
Platinum 88,953 66 0.07 82.3 27.0
Gasoline 365,241 -13,571 -3.58 68.5 22.9
Russian Ruble 20,930 -1,490 -6.65 4.4 -42.8
Soybeans 902,539 40,279 4.67 87.8 5.5
Sugar 879,396 25,290 2.96 57.5 23.8
Swiss Franc 82,690 4,310 5.50 73.7 26.3
Silver 141,287 -6,239 -4.23 37.0 -2.1
Soybean Meal 621,885 449 0.07 100.0 24.7
1-Month Secured Overnight Financing Rate 1,216,827 41,001 3.49 89.1 6.8
3-Month Secured Overnight Financing Rate 11,031,220 246,472 2.29 92.4 7.3
Ultra 10-Year U.S. T-Note 2,257,305 47,240 2.14 97.7 4.6
2-Year Bond 4,621,376 -935 -0.02 100.0 6.4
10-Year Note 4,749,048 152,464 3.32 65.7 -4.0
Ultra U.S. Treasury Bonds 1,826,850 26,560 1.48 96.4 19.5
US Treasury Bond 2,060,744 127,463 6.59 100.0 31.2
VIX 353,760 1,634 0.46 34.8 4.7
Wheat 448,073 1,126 0.25 93.1 30.8
Bitcoin 41,203 2,672 6.93 100.0 37.4
DowJones Mini 84,631 -3,681 -4.17 37.5 -0.2


OI = Open Interest
Open Interest All = Total Open Interest contracts
PCT_Change_OI = 1-Week Percent Change
OI_Strength_Index = Current level as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
OI_Strength-6wk_Chg = 6 Week Change in OI_Strength_Index, also known as Movement Index

Tables: Open Interest Leaders | Large Speculators Leaders | Commercials Leaders | Small Trader Leaders

Speculative Traders Leaders

Market Net_Spec_Contracts Specs_Weekly_Change Specs_Strength_Index Specs_Strength-6w-Chg
Australian Dollar 31,598 1,803 98.7 -1.3
Bloomberg Commodity Index -13,304 -12 46.8 6.7
Soybean Oil 68,164 -29,061 78.8 4.3
British Pound 40,315 -15,735 54.2 -23.7
Brazil Real -7,277 300 45.2 2.6
Brent Oil -40,058 -4,394 33.6 -23.1
Corn 163,301 -14,345 54.7 16.2
Cocoa Futures 36,594 -1,668 47.3 -3.4
Canadian Dollar -183,566 -1,177 5.7 -42.3
WTI Crude Oil 193,865 6,959 22.3 1.3
Cotton -31,135 -19,649 10.1 -13.1
US Dollar Index -2,713 -401 0.0 -1.7
Euro -42,557 -35,120 3.3 -34.4
E-mini SP MidCap400 1,922 2,150 27.1 14.5
MSCI EAFE MINI -32,018 -547 34.4 -4.0
Russell 2000 Mini 3,145 -5,249 84.1 -1.3
S&P500 Mini 34,911 9,910 69.9 6.0
Fed Funds -55,140 -57,577 44.4 -45.6
5-Year Bond -1,983,026 -113,816 0.0 -20.4
Gold 234,367 -2,084 69.2 -16.6
Copper 15,442 -5,403 47.6 -25.7
Heating Oil -16,138 -6,622 0.5 -24.5
Steel -1,297 -489 91.4 1.9
Japanese Yen -46,868 18,034 54.9 -33.3
Coffee 68,918 450 93.0 6.0
Live Cattle 85,187 408 70.8 22.0
Lean Hogs 71,982 -4,000 96.4 34.5
Mexican Peso 14,014 -6,179 38.3 -7.4
New Zealand Dollar -18,438 -6,778 5.4 -37.9
Natural Gas -161,049 -4,930 15.3 -28.8
Nikkei 225 Yen 6,515 -718 56.3 16.0
Nikkei 225 -2,464 -498 59.2 -6.3
Nasdaq 19,803 3,423 69.9 10.1
Palladium -6,294 19 55.9 7.5
Platinum 22,676 2,443 69.6 -2.3
Gasoline 61,295 4,315 68.9 27.9
Russian Ruble 7,543 -263 31.2 -15.6
Soybeans -86,331 -9,218 26.2 -8.3
Sugar 71,738 3,616 26.7 -11.1
Swiss Franc -37,071 -4,377 25.8 -29.6
Silver 46,323 -1,319 74.7 -10.6
Soybean Meal -16,256 -28,762 20.7 -47.6
1-Month Secured Overnight Financing Rate -130,957 4,701 36.2 22.5
3-Month Secured Overnight Financing Rate -300,954 -61,073 44.7 -34.6
Ultra 10-Year U.S. T-Note -171,268 -14,477 27.2 -22.7
2-Year Bond -1,447,344 -23,473 2.5 -14.1
10-Year Note -907,502 -91,701 22.3 5.0
Ultra U.S. Treasury Bonds -225,304 15,980 100.0 24.6
US Treasury Bond -35,645 6,123 71.1 14.1
VIX -8,809 -4,386 88.4 -5.3
Wheat -46,039 -7,510 40.6 -25.8
Bitcoin -2,084 -286 5.8 -17.5
DowJones Mini 8,265 -5,401 73.7 -9.8


Net Speculator Contracts = Weekly Net of Speculator Trader Positions, Gross Longs minus Gross Shorts
PCT_Change_Spec = 1-Week Percent Change in Net Positions
Spec_Strength_Index = Current level of Speculators as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Spec_Strength-6wk_Chg = 6 Week Change in Spec_Strength_Index, also known as Movement Index

Tables: Open Interest Leaders | Large Speculators Leaders | Commercials Leaders | Small Trader Leaders

Commercial Traders Leaders

Market Net_Comms_Contracts Comms_Weekly_Change Comms_Strength_Index Comms_Strength-6w-Chg
Australian Dollar -27,106 5,528 13.8 13.8
Bloomberg Commodity Index 12,970 -25 52.7 -6.9
Soybean Oil -81,071 29,812 22.9 -9.4
British Pound -39,066 20,082 45.8 27.4
Brazil Real 7,003 -537 55.8 -2.5
Brent Oil 36,893 4,499 67.5 19.3
Corn -113,151 12,969 47.5 -17.7
Cocoa Futures -43,784 2,124 48.1 3.2
Canadian Dollar 190,676 -656 94.6 43.0
WTI Crude Oil -202,171 5,406 85.8 4.3
Cotton 30,832 19,024 88.9 12.6
US Dollar Index 1,921 821 97.9 -1.2
Euro 21,047 39,321 96.1 35.6
E-mini SP MidCap400 -8,660 -2,906 38.3 -17.1
MSCI EAFE MINI 28,405 1,980 65.6 6.4
Russell 2000 Mini -27,356 3,073 7.2 -5.4
S&P500 Mini -182,867 -21,724 14.7 -13.1
Fed Funds 57,093 50,500 52.4 43.0
5-Year Bond 1,861,574 120,585 100.0 29.1
Gold -262,322 3,260 27.9 15.0
Copper -21,842 8,571 51.6 26.3
Heating Oil 15,951 4,568 99.0 18.0
Steel 1,237 510 9.3 -0.9
Japanese Yen 49,209 -22,964 46.6 31.9
Coffee -73,015 -1,447 5.6 -6.6
Live Cattle -63,090 -2,427 45.3 -21.0
Lean Hogs -62,301 5,542 5.4 -33.5
Mexican Peso -11,007 5,314 63.6 8.1
New Zealand Dollar 21,323 8,311 94.6 45.4
Natural Gas 157,678 5,978 95.9 33.3
Nikkei 225 Yen 15,282 35 52.4 -12.3
Nikkei 225 1,576 1,774 37.5 4.8
Nasdaq -32,162 -1,799 17.2 -8.1
Palladium 5,696 513 44.6 -8.1
Platinum -29,759 -1,340 26.2 2.8
Gasoline -66,846 -6,648 35.1 -29.3
Russian Ruble -7,150 175 69.1 16.7
Soybeans 109,077 12,720 75.7 6.2
Sugar -101,154 -8,090 67.4 11.1
Swiss Franc 52,622 8,611 85.3 41.5
Silver -65,081 2,326 22.4 12.9
Soybean Meal -9,392 27,145 74.0 46.9
1-Month Secured Overnight Financing Rate 131,159 -4,383 63.8 -22.6
3-Month Secured Overnight Financing Rate 319,102 70,149 56.1 35.8
Ultra 10-Year U.S. T-Note 249,454 16,220 68.0 30.1
2-Year Bond 1,288,654 27,858 96.6 18.7
10-Year Note 856,303 104,274 83.6 6.2
Ultra U.S. Treasury Bonds 210,507 -34,893 0.0 -27.4
US Treasury Bond -36,093 -20,010 16.7 -3.6
VIX 8,476 6,213 15.2 3.4
Wheat 53,723 6,614 64.0 27.3
Bitcoin 1,294 143 95.7 10.5
DowJones Mini -14,757 2,888 16.8 1.6


Com Net = Weekly Net of Commercial Trader Positions, Gross Longs minus Gross Shorts
PCT_Change_Comms = 1-Week Percent Change in Net Positions
Comms_Strength_Index = Current level of Commercials as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Comms_Strength-6wk_Chg = 6 Week Change in Comms_Strength_Index, also known as Movement Index

Tables: Open Interest Leaders | Large Speculators Leaders | Commercials Leaders | Small Trader Leaders

Small Traders Leaders

Market Net_Smalls_Contracts Smalls_Weekly_Change Smalls_Strength_Index Smalls_Strength-6w-Chg
Australian Dollar -4,492 -7,331 38.7 -54.9
Bloomberg Commodity Index 334 37 58.2 1.1
Soybean Oil 12,907 -751 64.1 43.1
British Pound -1,249 -4,347 59.6 -33.9
Brazil Real 274 237 22.4 -0.4
Brent Oil 3,165 -105 65.6 31.5
Corn -50,150 1,376 41.0 8.2
Cocoa Futures 7,190 -456 73.4 1.8
Canadian Dollar -7,110 1,833 9.8 -29.6
WTI Crude Oil 8,306 -12,365 0.0 -36.8
Cotton 303 625 18.4 -5.7
US Dollar Index 792 -420 31.7 15.1
Euro 21,510 -4,201 19.0 -32.6
E-mini SP MidCap400 6,738 756 99.6 13.0
MSCI EAFE MINI 3,613 -1,433 35.1 -11.8
Russell 2000 Mini 24,211 2,176 100.0 32.7
S&P500 Mini 147,956 11,814 100.0 22.6
Fed Funds -1,953 7,077 81.5 19.1
5-Year Bond 121,452 -6,769 75.9 -13.8
Gold 27,955 -1,176 71.8 7.8
Copper 6,400 -3,168 56.5 -17.0
Heating Oil 187 2,054 9.8 -3.4
Steel 60 -21 38.9 -28.7
Japanese Yen -2,341 4,930 58.0 -8.4
Coffee 4,097 997 79.9 8.7
Live Cattle -22,097 2,019 7.8 -12.0
Lean Hogs -9,681 -1,542 39.9 -19.8
Mexican Peso -3,007 865 6.0 -9.5
New Zealand Dollar -2,885 -1,533 16.7 -64.9
Natural Gas 3,371 -1,048 0.3 -11.8
Nikkei 225 Yen -21,797 683 36.6 -1.3
Nikkei 225 888 -1,276 60.1 1.0
Nasdaq 12,359 -1,624 78.1 1.7
Palladium 598 -532 62.4 5.3
Platinum 7,083 -1,103 73.9 -4.2
Gasoline 5,551 2,333 53.8 26.6
Russian Ruble -393 88 23.9 -18.8
Soybeans -22,746 -3,502 53.1 26.0
Sugar 29,416 4,474 57.9 -9.3
Swiss Franc -15,551 -4,234 5.5 -49.9
Silver 18,758 -1,007 61.4 -15.7
Soybean Meal 25,648 1,617 71.1 -10.4
1-Month Secured Overnight Financing Rate -202 -318 54.3 3.3
3-Month Secured Overnight Financing Rate -18,148 -9,076 77.9 -12.5
Ultra 10-Year U.S. T-Note -78,186 -1,743 65.4 -3.1
2-Year Bond 158,690 -4,385 86.1 -9.8
10-Year Note 51,199 -12,573 75.9 -23.1
Ultra U.S. Treasury Bonds 14,797 18,913 26.8 -2.2
US Treasury Bond 71,738 13,887 68.2 -20.3
VIX 333 -1,827 79.4 7.4
Wheat -7,684 896 16.0 -7.8
Bitcoin 790 143 68.8 28.2
DowJones Mini 6,492 2,513 100.0 31.9


Smalls Net = Weekly Net of Small Trader Positions, Gross Longs minus Gross Shorts
PCT_Change_Smalls = 1-Week Percent Change in Net Positions
Smalls_Strength_Index = Current level of Smalls as a percent; compared to last 3 years data
Smalls_Strength-6wk_Chg = 6 Week Change in Smalls_Strength_Index, also known as Movement Index

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